
Starting Your Day Right With A Proper Morning Routine
Maybe you don’t consider yourself a morning person. Or you’re always rushing out the door and barely make it on time for work. Maybe you’re the opposite– you read the daily newspaper at the kitchen table while the sun rises. Needless to say, we all have a morning routine to some degree. While many of you have already established and enjoy your routine, I invite you to consider incorporating some aspects of my routine found below.
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Who Is Dr. Kim: Part One
From the beginning of my life, I had a keen understanding of choosing the path that was right for me instead of what others thought I should do. My parents were key figures in that respect as they were not only great role models, but they also pushed me to pursue my own interests.
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The Miracles of Functional Medicine: A Sustainable Health And Wellness Approach For Everyone
Imagine if you could improve your health and wellness without relying on expensive drugs with serious risks and long term side effects. Check out this article to learn how Functional Medicine applies to you.  The Miracles of Functional Medicine: A Sustainable Health And Wellness Approach For Everyone Each of us have felt the direct effects…
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Treating ADHD The Natural Way; The Logical Way
Do you or someone you know struggle with ADHD? Read below to inform yourself about natural treatment plans for specific types of ADHD. What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD and formerly as ADD, is an affliction people all over the world endure. Common symptoms include inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity but…
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